S14055 现代传感器技术(研究生)
S10032 传感器与检测技术(研究生)
S10033 智能化仪表(研究生)
120413010 检测技术与仪表(本科生)
120415124 PLC可编程序控制器(本科生)
120415050 自动化专业概论(本科生)
120418142 火电厂仿真实习(本科生)
120414019 过程控制系统(本科生)
120415021 集散控制系统(本科生)
120415028 智能仪表(本科生)
Resume of Associate Professor
Ihave been a member of the Inner Mongolia University of Technology since I beganstudying as an undergraduate student in the department of ElectricalEngineering in 1992. Here, I got my bachelor's and master's degrees in 1996 and2003 respectively. I completed my Ph. D. degree at University of Science andTechnology Beijing in 2010. Now I am an Associate Professorin the Control Science and Engineering department of IMUT.
Myresearch interests is concerned with complex process optimization schedulingand decision in Iron and Steel industry. My completedprojects are all about it. The goal of this research is to make the stripproduction process more energy efficient and economical. The manufacture ofsteel strip is a complicated process, and the processing speed and object ofeach production equipment are different. Some intelligent optimizationalgorithms and decision methods must be used to solve the optimization problemof such hybrid systems. So, my research work also includes the design of thesealgorithms. In addition, the measurement and control of complex process is alsomy research field.
Ihave been fully committed to and engaged with Departmental undergraduate andMSc course delivery for more than 20 years, accumulating extensive experienceof teaching and course development at all levels. I teach on a variety ofmodules in Automation Department:
Z14101 Control Netsand Distributed Control System (for postgraduate)
S14055 Modernsensor technology (for postgraduate)
S10032 Sensorand detection technology (for postgraduate)
S10033Intelligent instrument (for postgraduate)
120413010Detection Technology and Instrument (for undergraduate)
120415124Programmable Controller (for undergraduate)
120415050Introduction to Automation (for undergraduate)
120418142Practice of thermal power plant simulation (for undergraduate)
120414019Process control system (for undergraduate)
120415021Distributed Control System (for undergraduate)
120415028Intelligent Instrument (for undergraduate)
Ialso supervise students for their undergraduate and postgraduate researchprojects.